Example Presentation

Create beautiful interactive slide decks with Reveal.js

Hello, There

This presentation has a handful of slides which can be used to demonstrate the pointer extension.

Press ‘q’ to enter and exit the pointer mode.

Pretty Code

  • Over 20 syntax highlighting themes available
  • Default theme optimized for accessibility
# Define a server for the Shiny app
function(input, output) {
  # Fill in the spot we created for a plot
  output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
    # Render a barplot

Code Animations

  • Over 20 syntax highlighting themes available
  • Default theme optimized for accessibility
# Define a server for the Shiny app
function(input, output) {
  # Fill in the spot we created for a plot
  output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
    # Render a barplot
            ylab="Number of Telephones",

Line Highlighting

  • Highlight specific lines for emphasis
  • Incrementally highlight additional lines
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01)
theta = 2 * np.pi * r
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
ax.plot(theta, r)
ax.set_rticks([0.5, 1, 1.5, 2])

Pointer on top of figure
