LaTeX Environment

LaTeX Environments

The contents of this div will be output in a center LaTeX environment, but will appear in HTML (and any other output format as a simple div with the class center)

LaTeX Commands

Will replace spans of class ce with the \ce{} command for LaTeX output, but leave the spans intact for HTML output. So [H2SO4]{.ce} becomes H2SO4.

Advanced Environments and Commands

You can also combine environments and commands (with options) to address more complex scenarios. Usually with LaTeX: * [opts] is used for optional arguments * {args} for mandatory arguments

Both environments and commands can accept an options and arguments attributes which will be properly applied in LaTeX and will be available as an attribute in HTML output.

Question 1 Question 2

This text is in a orange background

If you have multiple arguments or options to pass to a command, use comma separated string

This one will have a black border